How to Use the Directory

Welcome to the Miscarriage, Stillbirth, and Infant Loss Directory. This blog is maintained by volunteers to act like a "telephone book" for blogs dealing with the loss of a baby. It is open to anyone who has ever lost a baby in any way - we do not discriminate by age of your baby or circumstance of your loss. If you think you belong here, then we think you belong here.

When you submit your blog, it is manually added to the list, so it may take some time for it to appear on the list. When you submit your information as requested below, it is easier to spot those emails that have been redirected into the spam mail.

Blogs are listed by category of loss. This is to help you find blogs that deal with circumstances that may be similar to yours. That being said, it can be a moving and healing experience to read the blogs of people who's loss is not similar to yours. You are welcome to read any of the blogs listed here.

Though there could be literally thousands of categories of loss, we have created 4 broad categories: before 20 weeks, after 20 weeks, after birth, and medical termination. Please note that most blogs dealing with extreme prematurity are listed in the "after birth" category even though the gestational age might suggest a different category.

As a warning to those feeling particularly fragile, many of the blogs listed here discuss living children or subsequent pregnancies. In the sidebar links, those blogs are usually marked with an asterisk(*). However, the circumstances of individual bloggers will change, and sometimes the listings do not get updated. It is possible to encounter pictures of living children or pregnant bellies on the blogs listed here.

We also have a list of resources (books), online links, and online publications that you may find useful. Scroll all the way to the bottom of the page to see the full listing of links.

We are so sorry the loss of a beloved child has brought you here. We hope that you will find some solace within the community that has gathered.
Please help us set up this resource for grieving families by:


A. Submitting your blog information
(Email Subject: Please Add My Blog)
  • The link to your blog
  • The title of your blog
  • The topic of your blog (see sidebar - Personal Blogs)
  • If your blog discusses living children or subsequent pregnancy after loss

B. Submitting links to helpful web resources
(Email Subject: Please Add This Link)

C. Submitting titles of helpful reading materials or videos/films
(Email Subject: Please Add This Resource)

D. Adding a link to this site from your blog


Wednesday, May 2, 2007

MISS Foundation Press Release

Presidential Hopeful Gov Bill Richardson Ignoring Pleas From Heartbroken Stillbirth Families: Dramatic Video Tells Stories

Phoenix, Arizona (PRWEB) May 2, 2007 -- When Governor and presidential hopeful Bill Richardson vetoed the MISSing Angels Bill (SB17) after it passed the New Mexico legislature with unanimous bipartisan support, the MISS Foundation vowed to launch an awareness campaign targeted at educating the governor so he wholly understands the issue of stillbirth.

The MISSing Angels Bill helps provide much-needed comfort, dignity, and documentation to women and their families experiencing the death of a baby just prior to or during birth. All states, including NewMexico, require the family to pay for funeral expenses, and a death certificate/report is issued after a stillbirth. Yet, some states refuse to offer women the choice of a birth certificate. It offers an option to women who give birth to loved and wanted babies who die unexpectedly to choose a birth certificate.

"I would assume that the last thing a presidential candidate would want to do is knowingly wound thousands of grieving mothers after their baby's death," said Daryl Logullo, Legislative Liaison for the MISS Foundation.

In response to the veto, the MISS Foundation has released a public service announcement that portrays the experiences of bereaved parents after stillbirth and is directed at Richardson's campaign. A very sensitive and controversial video, it speaks of the enormity of this public health issue. "Bill Richardson made a grave error injudgment, clearly being misinformed about this issue by his advisers," said Joanne Cacciatore, CEO of the MISS Foundation. Both the MISS Foundation and the National Stillbirth Society are calling for Governor Bill Richardson to offer a public apology to these bereaved mothers and families.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't really understand why this is such a huge issue. If the government wants to stick their noses in our personal business enough to try and make abortion illegal, how can they deny parents the right to have birth certificates? It's totally hypocritical...they value the "sanctity" of life and consider a fertilized egg life, but they don't consider the birth of a still born baby reason enough to have proof that they existed??

I don't get it. Why is it such a big deal to give parents birth certificates? And how can you have a death certificate for a child who has no record of being born??